Paying a facility to store your excess belongings should be a last resort. We are here for you if you need us, but make certain first-off that you need us. In this region of the country, there are really two good options apart from a storage facility once the hallway closet and garage have reached maximum capacity. The garage is the most obvious while the attic is less so. Each will be covered in separate blog posts.
To maximize your garage space, follow these proven steps;
Remove everything from your garage so that you can see what you have to work with. The goal with this first step is that once the garage is empty, you have to decide if you need the items which are outside of it enough to put them back. If the answer is no, then there are three tried and true methods of making unwanted items go away: The garbage, donation, and the garage sale (be it the old fashion posting of flyers, the flea market, or online through a Facebook, Nextdoor or Craigslist sites). Remember, if you have not used something in 2 years, you will likely not miss it once it is gone.
Decide on how you want to go about the garage storage project. This is the fun part. Go to www.YouTube.com and type in Garage Shelving and Garage Cabinets and Garage Tool Storage. You will encounter all sorts of ideas you had not previously considered to guide your efficiently and economically as you visit the Big Box Store. Visit the Big Box store to supply your needs in terms of organizational items as premade cabinets, shelving, totes and hanging systems. To make certain that the bins and cabinets you choose fit your space, bring a tape measure and know how much garage space you have to work with.
Start organizing your items into the space you have created, labeling boxes and totes so you know what is in them. Also, put heavier items lower down to make them easier to access and so that they do not crush items you might have thought about putting them on top of. Tools with long handles should be hung while smaller hand tools are easily placed on pegboards or shelving for easy accessibility.
It is natural to feel a bit overwhelmed when you start your garage reorganization project, but if you attack one area at a time, you will notice that after the first area is done, you develop a mental battle plan for dealing with the other areas. This reorganization will not happen overnight. Take it step-by step and don’t burn yourself out by trying to get it done in one day.